
Finally done collecting the new crap

It took a long time, but I'm finally done getting all the new items with the obvious exception of the set hats.

Said hats are a big issue on the steam forums right now.

If you don't know, with the last TF2 update, Valve fucked up, again, and created the concept of sets. In a FPS, giving players a stat boost for using a specific loadout seems unnecessary unless you want to openly admit these new weapons suck, which I'm assuming they don't.

The "no limit to buildings" bug briefly came back yesterday

And to me, the entire problem is the concept of set bonuses.

But to others, the problem is the fact that those sets include a hat to b complete, a hat that, by itself has no stats, but with the other items magically provides some. So in a way, the hats provide stats, and thus, affect gaming, and thus, should b made available easily.

Since this makes perfect sense, Valve thought otherwise.

I've made a topic on the steam forums explaining how insane the cost of the new items was and how crafting any of the new items is totally unrealistic: here.

In short, it should take 52 weeks, 1 year, to save items to craft all of the new hats. hats which affect gameplay.

Another guy made a similar topic here addressing that issue along with some other ones.

I love freezecams like this.

Valve has done some incredibly poor choices when it comes to TF2 (DROP SYSTEM!), but this might have been the last straw seeing as it involves money. They can't easily go back on the set bonuses without having people who bought it in the shop being horribly pissed.

But honestly, these people are a minority, and they obviously have the money to spend so i don't feel sorry for the at all, some of them even brag on having tons of money.

It'd b nice to b able to enjoy an update without valve implementing an annoying MMORPG element into the game to make it less and less enjoyable.

On a side note: Useful link if you're thinking about painting a hat.

1 comment:

  1. Those freezecams have always been my favorite.

    But an arrow to the eye is pretty good, too.
