
Darn cheating browser

I mentioned the Acid 3 test to a friend today and ended up looking for information on it on the wiki page, and found some intresting info:

In May and June, Google Chrome 2.0 and Opera Mobile 9.7 beta displayed a score of 100/100, but did not actually pass; release versions of these browsers passed fully later in the year. Security concerns over downloadable fonts delayed Chrome from passing.

As naive of me as it seems, it never occurred to me that the score on the test could not be accurate.

Based on Acid 3 i always considered Chrome to b an accurate browser, however, it always seemed to fuck up the layout work i do royally.

But then, if u scroll down the wiki page, there's something odd.

It lists all 4 browsers that passed the Acid 3 test so far, however, Chrome is marked as "dubious".

I am currently making a new blog and Wiki skin, and both show differently on Firefox (which is what i use to develop it) and on Chrome. So i decide to download Opera which is confirmed to have passed the Acid 3 test as well.

The result? it's nothing like Chrome. It's actually almost dead on like Firefox (which gets 94% at the test). Even IE looks closer to what it's suposed to be than Chrome. Chrome's "real" score might actually be way bellow 90%.

I'm suspecting Chrome just has specific coding in it to "pass" the Acid 3 test so the browser would get a good rep, which in honesty would be a really clever plan.

I'm officially no longer making my layouts support Chrome at all, I am pissed for having wasted so many hours, days even, trying to get a layout to show up properly on Firefox IE and Chrome when Chrome, who was supposed to be the accurate one, displayed everything all over the place like a drunken retard.

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