
Game review: TrackMania Nations Forever

"What the hell is he reviewing?" is probably what you're asking.

Well, a while back i took it upon myself to try out a lot of the free games that are available on Steam. A lot of them were quite bad, some were Ok, 1 was actually a lot of fun for me though.

Admire my lazy ass paint job with the "cox" logo in the back!

TrackMania Nations Forever - Steamstore page

What's it about?

It's a car racing game, however, most of the time you race against the clock.

Why is it fun?

The controls are just so sweet it's a pleasure to drive. quite easy to pick up and play, yet hard to master.

Them slopes can be tricky i tells ya!

Don't b fooled by the looks of the game too much (cause it sure fooled me a lot), this is a very arcade like game, It's very fast and yet easy to drive.

And to keep frustration to minimum, there's even an instantly retry button. And by instant, i do mean instant, it's like a freakin save state.

It's not as bad as u think, but for the one on the right, it's worse than you think.

Another fun part of this game is the really crazy and original tracks which add to both the challenge and the fun. Even though some simply aren't sane and make take the better part of 30mins to beat.

Tracks have different types, such as obstacle, race, acrobatic, endurance, speed. Each requires a diferent skill to b able to beat. I beleive there are 65 tracks or so total.

So if it's so good why is it free?

Because there's another version with even more content.

Promote a game with a game, i guess that works.

Although the game is actually really big, plays nice, has multiplayer (which i haven't tried) and has a track editor, It's meant to get u to buy the more complete version which has more stuff including more cars and more game modes.

In short, this is meant to promote the other game.

As a side note, it seems that version came out for the Wii and the 3DS i think, there's some ad ingame about it.

The joys of driving in a straight line, a rare event in this type of track.


I guess some people don't like arcade like racing games, i normally don't like racing games but this was really fun. the graphics are nice and simple, subtle yet tasteful lighting makes it enjoyable to look at and the soundtrack keeps u pumped up to play the game.

This is totally a DO WANT game. You should at least try it before dismissing it as another racing game because you might be surprised.

It reminded me a lot of Moto Racer 1, which i loved cause of the simplicity and cause i almost never had to let go of the gas.

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