
Killing Floor event and Steam's treasure hunt.

I've been thinking about killing floor lately, but haven't seen much of a point to play it by myself with strangers.

Then today, saw this:

It does feel lately that the best way for valve to sell games is to give u a TF2 hat for it. but the insane thing is, it works.

However it's nice to see new stuff on Killing Floor, if it just had a nice art style, it'd b a way more popular game.

As you guys may know, right now steam is doing a treasure hunt thing where if u complete objectives you can earn TF2 hats (big surprise) and be eligible to b one of the 20 people that will win the top 5 games in their wishlist every 2 days.

But there's more, if u complete 10 objectives, you're eligible to win 100 games on Steam.

Treasure hunt info:

To be noted, it's sort of a dick move that some of those objectives require you to own games to get them, but heh, i guess that's OK.

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