
If I don't post, who will?

Time flies when you're busy wasting it, and I may need to whip Zach or Bitten to post a lil more again.

Anyway, I can explain why i haven't been updating the past few days with a simple picture:

I never liked a fire starter before, but this guy looks like Jimbei from One piece.

What can I say?, I was bored and TF2 has been getting on my nerves lately.

I read there was a 95+% translated Pokemon black/white, and decided to try it, sadly I lost the save of my 2nd attempt to play the game, which had 6 gym badges, and had to use an old save from just after the 2nd gym.

The main story was very very "naggy" through the entire game, and didn't quite make sense when you stop for 1 sec to think about it.

In short, here's the deal: This "religion" of assholes called team plasma is out to "free" pokemons from all humans, led by their kind N. N believes that all humans torture pokemon and force them to do their bidding.

My end game party, with obligatory HM whore Bibarel.

So far, it's actually not a bad premise until they tell you that N can understand what pokemons say, and that practically all the fucking time, all he hears is that pokemons are happy with their trainers.

After the main plot, the game is... sorta ok, a lot of older pokemons become available, but the effin' time and season gimmick, I... don't quite get why you would make a game with event that occur on specific days of the week at specific times. it's just pointlessly annoying.

The game really hasn't changed at all from the first ones, there's always barely any improvements in the gameplay, and it's really not like there isn't room for improvement, because god, there is tons, but sometimes they'll do something right, and in the next game fuck it up again.

Oh well, now to find something else to do.

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