
Life signs

Ok i guess i should explain the lack of posts lately.

Bitten started his anual "military service" which is fancy lingo for "doing push ups in the mud for 2 weeks". Zach's silent, like crabs... and Jimmy's busy with college as usual.

Me, well, i was working on a sprite animation, but then on a whim, tried playing mafia wars again, and to my surprise, i find that i can constantly level up.

When i picked the game up again i was level 267 or so, a week later i was well over level 600.

I'm the hot chick on the left, Shigoto is the manly whore on the right.

But mostly, i haven't been doing much of anything because i found out that there is an english version of Dynasty Warriors Online AND it's free.

It's been ages since i last played a DW game and it's been a blast kicking ass and taking names. I even got our friend Shigoto to play with me.

This is the most awkward MMO I've ever played though, basic things like trading do not exist in this and you can't really sell your things to NPCs to make money. The economy is really odd.

There's been a few noteworthy things about gaming lately but i just haven't been in the mood to post here.

However, Steam is doing a week long sake on squeenix crap, BUT (And this happened to my friend Al):


The game is really cheap right now, but fucking read the notice, it doesn't run on XP. A bunch of people have bought and gifted the damn thing without reading this and they're suck with a game they can't use now.

That notice should b way WAY bigger and in the frontpage.

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