
Personal update and "Circletine"

Ok, first an update on why nothing much has been posted.

I've been quite ill with 2-3 things wrong with me at a time, and one of those things requires me to have an operation in more or less... 12 days or so.

No one else is posting much cause they're faggots, ok not really...

I had to FORCE Zach to fix his computer by reinstalling Windows on it (telling him how step by step), which made him mad at me at the time but he's settled down. I've been helping him set up his compy and all the essentials are installed now, including Photoshop so you can expect to see stuff from Zach soon either on here, DA or FA.

Bitten has fallen in love with a British soldier named Charles while he was performing his military duty and is now having this homoerotic relationship with the man, Also, I'm lying and he's just lazy to post here, just can't get him to do it much. Maybe if he felt people checked the blog he would.

As for Jimmy, he's prolly molesting cat girls with his tentacles somewhere...

and now an interlude:
Not for the faint of heart...

Because of my health, i been spending ridiculous amounts of time in bed to avoid pains. I've been nagging the others to post, but Zach couldn't, and Bitten is racist towards me cause I'm a lil taller than him.

Hopefully, I'll get the guys to take over posting while I'm fucked up.

1 comment:

  1. Well that does follow. I hope it goes well for you, K-Tof.

    May Bitten be happy.

    ...but that intermission—oh someone's deity, that intermission...
