
Spiral Knights: Thoughts about the first changes

Incoming rant warning.

Forums all fucking suck

While back I made a topic on the spiral knights forum, very long and well phrased (way better than i phrase stuff in here) that covered all points people might try pick apart to destroy my arguments.

The topic was about the energy issue that limits the game to "Shitty Facebook game" status.

The reason I spend a long time making the opening post in a topic is that if i cover everything from the start, and some idiot replies something i already covered, I can call him a fucking idiot (maybe not that explicitly) and tell him to read the topic before replying nonsense.

Here's what happened, which i actually say it it would the opening post:
  • People who bought energy started replying saying it's fine even though, since they bought it, they obvious couldn't grasp the issue at all.
  • People who obviously bought it posted saying they didn't buy it and that energy was actually COMPLAINED that energy was TOO CHEAP.
  • People tried to diss the suggestions i posted without really reading what they were about.
  • People wanting to suck the developer's cocks and say that we should all give them all of our money for that "glorious" game, cause they spent MILLIONS making the so called brilliant game IN JAVA (this attitude does not help the gaming industry, it hurts it)
One thing that did not happen however, is someone posting reasons, any at all, as to why the current system is good.

I was reminded how 95% of the internet is made out of retards and that's when i sorta stopped playing actively. I kept on playing but only to keep Bitten company and mostly to revive him when he lags as hell. Haven't honestly enjoyed the game since I got to tier 3.

A big argument for the current system, which really wasn't valid at all, was that "at least they're not giving equipment to buying players". Well guess what:

Well oh shit, they want your money to play AND to get items now?

[sarcasm] Truly they've made a great MMO that's balanced and doesn't kick non paying players in the nuts [/sarcasm]

This is officially worse than Dynasty warriors online.

The recent changes:

As i heard, 16 or so new swords were implemented. most notable is that the brandish family was greatly extended.

Since a while back, PizzaCat mentioned to me that the community was complaining about the game and Wiki, specifically, how the dmg on weapons supposedly wasn't displayed accurately.

Something that may nag people who play Spiral Knights (sure annoys me tons personally), is how all stats are relative all the time: Each level you do, enemies have more health and your weapon deals more damage. It's really hard to judge if a new weapon is better or worse than an old one without directly having both equipped and hitting the enemy with both. With armor, you just cannot tell at all.

So today i played, and made myself an Avenger before we started adventuring. It has a lil less atk than the Ascended Calibur i carry around but decided to try it out.

I was shocked that a lvl 1 Avenger does more dmg than a lvl 10 Ascended Calibur. I'm not even talking about enemies weak to elemental dmg, I'm talking about the ones neutral to it.

As i figure it:
  • How elemental dmg works in RPGs/MMOs: does extra dmg to enemies that are weak to it, doesn't add dmg to enemies neutral to it, and either heals or does very reduced dmg to enemies resistant to it.
  • Here's how it actually works in Spiral Knights: does a lot extra to enemies weak to it, does a lil extra to enemies neutral to it, and does either a tiny to no extra dmg to enemies resistant to it.
Heck at one point I assumed the elemental bar was the percentage of the atk that was elemental, but no, it's literally like swingin 2 swords at once, one elemental and one normal.

With that said, the Calibur family, which i assumed was good all-around, is actually crappy compared to any elemental sword in the game.

This is probably one of the best swords in the game now:

Even though the Leviathan has maxed out dmg, this sword will easily do more to most enemies. I thought the Calibur family was one of those "no strengths, but no weaknesses either", but turns out that nah.

But to b fair, this weapon mix up isn't that much of a big deal, just wish it had been explained to me sooner.

However, me and Zach believe that the normal dmg bar isn't global, but relative to each weapon family. but again, stats being relative all over, can't really even test this theory. Can't they just use numbers like everyone else? would fixed monsters stats be that bad? The deeper i go the less i can figure out how much life enemies are supposed to have.

Also, all of this for a game where you play the same maps over and over again. content wise, still a tiny ass game. Seriously, there's infinitely more variety in a single player game, like Disagea 2, than this game. The fact that this is a MMO barely factors in cause lag is more and more of an issue.

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