
Can't get the movie "Virus" out of my head...

A while back, we had Virus on TV. It's a 1999 movie with Jamie Lee Curtis and Donald Sutherland.

I'll try to make the plot real short:

Just after encountering a typhoon, a down on his luck tugboat captain comes across a huge russian ship that would be worth millions in salvage parts. As they board the ship, they become trapped on it and realize it's being controlled by an alien entity that is mass producing robots and cyborgs, and wants to use humanity for spare parts.

The rest of the movie is about the crew trying to not get killed and sink the ship, while the captain makes a deal with the alien and both try to stop the crew.

"Anyone with common sense would never walk in here, but that's why I'm captain."

It's a bad movie. If you check the wiki page for it, Jamie Lee Curtis says it's the worse piece of shit she's ever been involved in and did the movie for braggin rights. That's how bad it is.

I've seen the movie on TV a couple of times, and something always bothers the living crap out of me:

Donald Sutherland's character, the captain, is motivated by greed, but he's calm though the movie, way too calm seeing as they're chased by killer robots and cyborgs. You can see the gears turning in his head, he's constantly trying to figure out how to make a profit out of the situation. Granted the character seems mentally retarded at parts trying to deny the obvious, but that's movies for ya.

"Oh that's neat, all you need now is a head for that"

So this is what he does: He contacts the alien, tells it he will help and all he wants is to bring the ship safely to a port. And then lets the alien decapitate him and stick his body on a cyborg made with the torso of a russian crew member.

I'm sorry, what? What part of that plan even seems good?

And when you see the cyborg captain later on attacking his former crew, he seems very happy about the change, even sorta gloating. One could question that the Alien just forced him into it and he's had no choice, but because of that scene, I'm forced to believe he actually thinks that was a good idea and most likely was all for it.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my genitals, have you seen them?"

The reasons that bothers me are obvious, but here goes:
  • From the start, the movie establishes that the captain is in debt and really needs money somehow, but from the point he becomes a cyborg, didn't he realize he couldn't re-enter society?
  • Let's even assume he wasn't turned into a cyborg, how would he collect money while the human race is butchered by this alien for spare parts? what would he do with money then? would it make any difference?
  • Forget the rest of his body, would a man really wanna go through any plan that involves losing his genitals?

I find it almost funny that he still has his hat on, nice touch.

The rest of a movie is always a blur to me as i spend the entire time confused as to what could possibly be the captain's motivation.

I just had to rant about this, It's been on my mind for days.

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