
Spiral Knights: Way to fuck it up

The idiots developing Spiral Knights introduced changes to the game that, frankly, i don't think anyone is happy about.

These should b obvious, but I'm gonna go into some detail into only some of them, even though most of the changes are bad.

How to murder economy
* Recipe item costs have been reduced.
This is actually VERY bad, but i had to list it first so i can explain why in the next one.
* Using a bound items in alchemy will result in the finished product being bound as well. For example, crafting a 4* item that requires a item of heat level 5 will result in an item that is bound to the crafter.
* Crafting energy costs have increased.
* Alchemy machines have new art.
And this is what may possibly may have already killed the game:
  • It's now impossible to craft 4 and 5 star items for anyone, you will always have to craft those yourself now.
  • By cost increased, they mean doubled.
and here i start explaining how this affects the game:

Buying a weapon directly from a shop is still not viable, so everyone is still stuck with recipes.

Crystal energy (CE) is however, even more necessary than before. Myst tank energy alone can only allow you to craft up to 2 star equipment, Forcing you to buy CE from 3 star onwards. For reference, the crafting cost of a 5 star item in Spiral Knights is 5,000 crowns and 800 energy now.

You may say "Ok, that's a lil harsh, but still doable, all i gotta do is buy CE with crowns to craft my stuff, how bad could it be?". Pretty bad actually.

Before i go on, you gotta realize how the situation affects player who bought CE: They have less need for crowns now, cause recipes are cheaper, and more use for their own CE, so this is working out pretty good for them in a way. CE is too valuable to part with, so many may even stop selling it altogether.

Now, how do you think this will affect the cost of CE for players who want to buy it with crowns?

I think you get the idea that CE's cost is gonna jump up a lot once people realize it's absurdly way more necessary than it was before and that crowns aren't worth much anymore. I mean, we're talking about a game where you don't level up characters, spells or skills. ALL of your character's stats depend on your equipment and getting better equipment is pretty much the only goal there is in-game right now.

This is dumb as fuck for both sides though: If you bought CE, you can get full end game gear absurdly fast, and there's no point in playing. If you didn't buy CE, you're a slave to the players who did and take months to build up your 5 star equips, and may most likely quit way before that.

Timing dammit!

Way to add features when people no longer need it:
* The new Advanced Training Hall can be found on the west side of the Haven Town Square!
* The new Auction House can be found just north of the fountain in the Haven Town Square!
only 2 things to say on that:
  • Fuck you!
  • Fuck you harder!
A training hall? by the time you make it to Haven you already know all that shit! Auction house (AH) was what everyone wanted, however, they destroyed the entire economy so there's really no point for it now, because as i mentioned:
  • Can't fucking trade 4 and 5 star equipment, so just forget equip entirely.
  • if u set 50 shards for sell, they'll sell as a whole package, which is FUCKING RETARDED!
Also the AH charges you to put auctions up, charges 10% of what you get if it's sold and gives you the cost of the auction back, or the auction times out without a bid and u lose that money. So you gonna lose cash either way.

I keeps saying this, but as bad of a MMO as Dynasty warriors online is, it's doing some things SO MUCH BETTER than Spiral knights. The DWO auction house is FANTASTIC compared to the SK one (and it's really not that good). No time limit, set individual sell price for stacks of items and only charge you a when your shit is sold.

In short:
  • CE economy is going to get much worse.
  • Even less noob-friendly gaming experience.
  • Even wider gaming experience gap between paying and non playing players.
  • Game still has no aim or goal besides the acquisition of equipment.
  • Further tweaks to make the game less and less enjoyable and less practical.


  1. free too play mmo's do that bro, most of them

  2. I'm not sure if this was changed, but I see some 4 and 5 star stuff on auction.

  3. As i was told last (i don't keep up with it anymore, Bitten does), you can pay a fee to unbind an item from you to put it on sale or trade it.
