
A Girl and Her Dozer

This short comic came packaged with Drill Dozer. It gets the *ahem* "very complicated" story out of the way. They explain it in-game, too, but that way doesn't involve Jill speaking or art by Ken Sugimori. I just thought I'd post this, cause I don't post much, and I'm fairly sure not many people have seen this.

It was really nice to see GameFreak do something besides Pokemon for once since they started working for Nintendo. It was also nice to see they didn't completely ignore this game when they made Brawl. Now it sure would be nice if they'd do a sequel for this or Pulseman...

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this. I never knew it came with an actual comic since the Wii U VC version only gave us scans from the manual
