
The shit we're playing lately: Forsaken World

So I've been playing Forsaken World on steam for about a week now, and it sorta like it.

There's a free MMO where u can buy extras with real money, however, as far as I've seen what u can buy is either cosmetic or convenient.

Forsaken World hasn't been around that long for a MMO, i think they had a closed beta around last October, so it's not even a year old.

It's a WoW styled MMO with tweaks that, so far, make it easier and more enjoyable then WoW was for me.

The Kindred's exclusive class, vampire, IS rather interesting gameplay wise AND visually.

For example, Most quests will show the objectives in green text that is clickable, and when you click it, the game will automatically take you to that location. "Talk to that guy" quests become like a lil break where you can just watch TV or eat a sandwich. However! there's a bunch of well placed teleport crystals so you usually can get everywhere relatively fast. This feature is actually awesome while you don't know your way around yet.

You can also just click a location on the map and your character will make it's way there, daily events, daily "lots of exp" quest. You can "apply" to instances so that when there's enough people for a party, a party will be auto-formed with all of them.

I'm a lil disapointed that female dwarves look NOTHING like dwarves, they're just lolis.

Overall, it "feels" so much less of a hassle then what i remember from WoW and much less of a pain. There's a lot of clever "systems" that i've never seen in aMMO before.

As anyone who has steam knows, Spiral got on Steam, and it affected the economy greatly (CE went from costing 7k to 3.5k) However, when i played a lil bit to get the TF2 hat, I... was so bored...

Spiral Knights has good gameplay, but... It's tiny content wise and just SO repetitive, and because of the energy system, to b effective you're forced to stick to Jelly King runs, every time.

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