

Trolls are mischievous creatures that love to prank people. It doesn't matter who. Friends, family, random people at the grocery store; all are potential targets for their mostly harmless button pushing. To put in another way, Trolls are like a player in an MMO who willingly aggros mobs. Getting remotely emotional about anything a Troll has done to you will fill them with glee. And if THAT gets even more under your nerves, they only become more ecstatic.

But when trolls aren't busy being a mild nuisance, they'll most likely be doing the one thing they take seriously: building and maintaining bridges. Trolls that build bridges will also build themselves a home beneath it, from which they will devote their life to maintaining it. If the bridge is large enough, they may build entire troll cities on it's underside.

Why bridges? Well, bridges are built in order to promote travel and bring people together. And when there's lots of traffic or people, well...

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty cool—a god save us if they can get wi-fi under those bridges.
