
Zach's internet connection sucks

Title unrelated, it's just the fact that is on my mind right now.

Well, i guess i could elaborate on that a lil: for the last couple of days, Zach's connection has drastically become worse and he can't even Skype normally now. We normally chat on Skype ALL DAY, so this kinda sucks for us.

Had a bunch of medical exams this morning, which is part of why i only slept 2 hours the previous night, and that's always fun. Had to provide blood and urine sample, so didn't eat or drink, but then i had to have a full bladder for another exam, and that led to my drinking 1.5 liters of water til i felt ill and waiting over an hour for my bladder to get full (apparently i have a huge bladder, takes me ages to fill it), also got a chest x-ray, heart check, and i think that was it.

As such, REALLY haven't had time or any subject to post about. Still can't get the artsy fags to post on here either, mostly cause no one leaves a comment when they post, so they assume no one cares.

As an apology for the lack of updates, have some random pics we thought were funny:

Mostly been tweeting lately, it's just somewhat easier.

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