
Ok, what the shit is this?

Remember how a while back Bitten entered the unofficial Spiral Knights art contest?

This was his entry:

EVERYONE can relate to this.

Bitten's entry was meant to go for the "Funniest" category. He lost.

Well, Bitten's pic is funny, on model, art style is nice. Surely the pic that beat him must be really neat then?

I'm sorry, what...?

...What the crap is this?

That's what Bitten lost to? I'm so confused about so many things...

First of all, unless someone told me, I wouldn't had guessed that's even Spiral Knights related. Then there's the fact this is in the "Funniest" category, how? where's the funny in this? am i missing something?

Anyone who says I'm being biased about this, well, actually fuck that, I don't think most people would disagree with me on this.

There's no way this won over Bitten's entry based on the art quality, so it HAS to have won because someone was drunk and thought it was funnier. Is it cause there's a Sonic poster in the back saying "that's no good"? I am not exagerating when I say I don't see a single funny thing in that picture?

Honestly, if you kept up with the contest, there were a lot of REALLY good entries, and all the ones that won just seem kinda shitty.

Actual picture of the judge in mid decision.
Basicly, the picture he would land on would be the winner.

Moral of the story:

Don't enter art contests that are going to be judged by a single person, because 98% of the time, it's a retard.

The contests that are judged by user votes CAN be a popularity contest rather than an art contest, but at least it's a lil more fair.

(The contents of this post only reflect my opinion, not Bitten's. Bitten was fine with losing, I'm the one that's obsessing about how absurd this is.)


  1. The judge is probably a huge lovecraft nerd and picked that entry because of all the cthulhu posters

  2. I'm thinking he got a boner when he saw sonic actually

  3. either way I agree that he didn't pick the winner based on the right sort of criteria.

  4. Conspiracy! There is no other answer!
