
Tof recomends: "Deadly Premonition" LP by SuperGreatFriend

I first found out about Deadly Premonition from Spoony. He had started a LP of it on his site that never got passed the first episode which is a shame. The game looked intriguing though, the main character who kept talking to a person called Zach , even though he was alone, and that Zach did not seem to answer back, which is something i can relate to.

Not too long after that, my not-so-imaginary friend Zach told me that there was a rather good LP of deadly premonition by Supergreatfriend on the something awful forums, so me and Zach started watching it.

The LP was completed some weeks ago, and took over 6 weeks to make. Supergreatfriend took his time to show everything, very informative, talked enough to b entertaining but he let us hear and watch all the cutscenes and dialogue of the game. And in a subtle way, he can be funny.

The combat gameplay isn't too good, similar to old resident evil games. however, the plot and characters were strange enough to keep the viewer interested.

If you know nothing about the game, the premise is that in the small town of Greenvale, A young woman was murdered and her body was discovered in uncommon circumstances. News of this comes to the FBI, where special agent Francis York Morgan is sent to Greenvale to collect data for his profiling as he specializes in killers that target young women.

Right away, agent York comes out as, odd at best, and quite smug too. The plot of the game does become interesting and has nice twists too, but the main appeal is easily agent York.

If you like watching LPs, you should really give that one a try. Both me and Zach recommend it.

On the completion of that LP, Supergreatfriend opened a site where you can watch the Deadly Premonition LP as well as his past LPs:

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