
This is why we can't have nice games

If you check the link at the bottom of the post, there's quite more to it, and all of it makes people subconsciously rub the palm of their hand quite vigorously on their forehead or face as they read it. Of all the shit in Pokemon game you're going to have a problem with, you pick that?

Whoever wrote that article goes on to ramble on about people who are disabled, completely missing the point that in Pokemon, paralysis is:
  • A temporary status effect.
  • Caused by an attack, usually electric.
How can you even make an article like this? By the 2nd paragraph the author uses the word "disableism" (not a real word, unless meant "disablism"), which is about discrimination on disabled people, not temporary paralysis. Showing very early on how she has no idea what she's talking about.

This is Obviously nonsense because "Disable" in Pokemon just locks one of your moves and doesn't paralyze you *rimshot*

From that point on, the article derails into an unfounded rant about how Pokemon is insensitive because that woman doesn't know what words mean.

Next part is the one that really got to me though:

It's that one kind of nonsense that is so dumb, you don't even know where to start.

Paralysis CAN be temporary, and if the game treats it as temporary, maybe, just maybe that's the type we're dealing with. Were in fucking Pokemon does it say "EMPOLEON is paralyzed from the neck down permanently!" cause I've never seen that one.

You want an example of temporary paralysis? How about fucking tasers? You know when a Pokemon is hit by a high voltage and can't move? SAME CONCEPT!

Even that crazy bitch's kids can tell it's implied that the Pokemon used a move that stuns the Pokemon's nervous system resulting in a temporary loss of muscle function! guess what's that called. If you said Paralysis, give yourself a pat on the back.

The rest of the article is as dumb if not dumber, read it at your own risk, I'm not responsible if you pop a vein. Some of the responses point out how mind-numbingly dumb the article was.

source article.

1 comment:

  1. This made go outside and hit a bag filled entirely with sand. Some people's parents are just so pitiful.
