
FW: Tales of inadequate MMO players

This is a couple of stories of what NOT to do in a MMORPG, these are a couple of experiences i've had in Forsaken World with people:

This is something I've seen lately in forsaken world more and more: People who don't know wtf their roles is.

Example 1: Right idea, wrong equipment.

My mage, Mishie, did her first level 60 instance in FW today. We had a fairly balanced party: 2 healers, 1 tank, and 3 DPS (1 of them being me).

Very early the healers immediately felt something was wrong: His health was going down strangely fast.

I decided then to inspect the Stoneman's armor. The equipment was all good quality (all blue stuff) but, nearly NONE of it had defense bonuses. I asked what build he was, and he replied marble (The tanking/defensive build) and how much defense he had, he replied 600.

We weren't gonna get far. As reference a DPS class would have around 480 def, which is low.

I told him that my level 56 stoneman has 744 defense without any buffs on, Which i don't think he believed seeing as he was level 62 with his mere 600 or so def. We did the rest of the instance, and by that i mean we got brutally murdered on account that he again got 8+ mobs to attack him at once.

After the instance, he PM'd me, and we had a convo that went like this:

Note: for the sake of readability, i shall write his part of the convo in a more... proper english than the one he used.

  • Idiot: what's the nick of your protector?
  • Me: AzureSlate
  • Idiot: Get him here
  • Me: Now? why?
  • Idiot: I wanna see his armor
*I go and switch*
  • Idiot: Lol, you have green equips
  • Me: I go for defense bonuses, especially on upper equips.
  • Me: Upper body armor does not have any defense as a base stat, only attack and health, I aim for equipment that has def  bonuses on everything.
  • Me: Also, all the gems I put into my armor are defense ones
  • Idiot: But level 1 defense gems only give +10 defense
*I facepalm and reply*
  • Me: Every lil bit helps, all the level 1 gems i got on give me +40, that's quite a bit.

There was a pause, like he realized how stupid he'd been. See, his equipement was expensive, full of high level expensive gems, but they were attack and crit related, which on a tank, makes no sense.

If you're a tank with low defense, you're really not furfilling your role are you?

But I felt a lil bad, so i told him:

  • Me: Your build is probably better to solo mobs, but as i said, I'm going for pure tanking. I don't care about any other stat at all.

Just trying to make myself sound like I'm weird for wanting a lot of defense as a tank so he feels a lil better about his poor choices.

As much as I may think someone is stupid, if they aren't mean or insulting me, I don't wanna make them feel bad. It's the way I am.

There was another pause, and then he replied

  • Idiot: I'm going to get level 60-62 armor now
  • Me: Hopefully you will have higher def

So many things I could had said to the guy, but I didn't wanna be a dick.

Note: 29 def  + 8 def  + 10 def out of a piece of armor that gives 0 base def, yea, it's green, but no blue one had def even close to this.

Example 2: Wrong idea, equipment is irrelevant.

Mishie was once in a party for God's Trial instance where the group had no healer except a bard. Now, all bards after a certain level can heal, no matter what talent tree they pick. So we assumed we'd be ok.

The run was a disaster, the bard never healed anyone for the entire 30mins, it was terrible and slow.

After that run, I did another one, and as luck would have it, i got paired up with the same fucker again. I couldn't stand it and confronted the bard about it.

He replied: "I am a Wind Bard".

Here's what the different talent tress for bard do:
  • Water - Offensive skill improvement, additional and longer lasting buffs, increases defensive capability of the bard.
  • Light - Enhance ability to heal, gain ability to resurrect others. focuses on defense support. greatly increases the survivability of the party
  • Wind - Increases party movement speed, increases bard's DPS. Yea, that's about it.
Who the fuck would play a bard as a DPS class? I didn't even care about the bard's build since ALL bards can heal, but that was his excuse.

Here's how the convo went:

  • Fag: use potions, I can't heal you guys all the time.
  • Me: what's the cooldown on your fucking healing spell? 2 mins? cause that's how long we needed healing before we died.
  • Helpful mage: it's 6 secs.
  • Fag: are you too poor to buy potions?
  • Fag: Get a life, i play for fun!
  • Me: how does what you've said make any sense? you're as high leveled as i am, except you've been playing your class wrong the entire time! how is being useless and a handicap for your teammates any fun?
  • Me: You can't do decent DPS, you can't revive anyone, you heal poorly, you buffs suck compared to other bards, what ARE you good for? running?
  • Me: If you want to do DPS, play vampire, mage or even marksman! your existence makes no sense!

There was a long pause, after which he left. I like to think he went to make a marksman.

In essence, a Bard is an AWESOME party class: Provides multiple buffs and AoE healing. So why would you throw all of that away to make a bellow average DPS class?

The Most common problem i see with MMORPG players is that, EVERYONE wants to be DPS. but, why?

Think about it, what the most basic thing you need in a party? a healer and a tank. everything else is accessory. As a DPS class you're not only replaceable, you're not even necessary to begin with. Especially in FW, because it seems that during the closed beta it was determined that 1 defense is worth 3 attack.

You don't even have to limit this fact to MMOs, even a FPS like TF2, if a team has a medic or 2, and they're up against a team of equal numbers and skill with no healing, the team with healing will win most of the time.

Both the players i mentioned in my examples made the same mistake, they ignored their role of their class and went for damage. Best players are always the ones that know their role, and work towards improving it.

1 comment:

  1. this article almost makes me want to play mmos again but I've never had the patience to get a character up to high level.
