
American Internet censorship system

I'm not seeing as many sites getting into this as I thought I would.

Tl;dr: Today there's going to be an hearing for an American censorship system.

The system would block... Pretty much anything interesting on the internet. Anything that lets users post freely would be shut down.

Honestly, I'm having trouble thinking of stuff that would NOT be shut down by this.

Now, I can't be sure of what exactly would be blocked, but by the description, it sounds like it'd shut down/block:
  • All video hosting sites, such as Youtube
  • All social network sites, such as Facebook or Twitter
  • Art communities such as Deviant Art
  • Wikipedia and all other wikis
  • Practically all forums
  • All Blogs
  • Oekaki boards

So... mmm... I can't imagine what I'd even do online with all of these options out.

In short, this would throw back internet evolution 20 years into the past. Maybe I'm exaggerating, but maybe it would be even worse.

Well, Being European, I probably wouldn't be affected by this too much, but still, I think if this passed, it'd sink Google on the spot as it's entirely built on services that enable people to post their own content. This could potentially make the economy worse for everyone and in time, other countries could follow up on that example and pass censorship laws that are similar.

Doesn't the American government have other more pressing issues then fucking up the internet for the world? such as their economy?

The rest of the world already thinks that the USA calling itself "the land of the free" and always promoting the concept of freedom is a huge joke because it's one of the most restrictive governments I know of when it comes to freedom. This really is just the latest example of that.

Isn't "freedom of speech" in their fucking constitution? How dumb does a people have to be when their founding members say "Whatever the fuck happens, these basic rules must endure for our country, otherwise we're no better than the British" and then just fucking forget about it and become exactly like those whom they got their independence from?

Doesn't China have a system like that? and wasn't it highly criticized because of it? That's what the USA is reduced to: Copying china terrible ideas.

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