
Forsaken World Thanksgiving event

Not much of an event in a sense. But really good prize to save up if you intent to stop playing for a week+ and idle for exp.

I say not much of an event since the requirement is so simple

How to qualify for the prize:
  • Be over level 40
  • Log in on 11/24 for a minimum of 1 hour

  • 1 VIP card

That's it.

What's so good about the a VIP card you ask? Well, you can earn one by other means, so I've used one before. Here's what a VIP card does:
Enhanced training grounds time – Memory Berries will be used more efficiently
Decreased cooldown on town portal – return to your home base faster
Enhanced prayer system – Praying will give better results
Gem polishing – 100% chance to get a different gem when using the polishing system
Field vendor – access a shop anywhere in the world to buy items for you or your pet
The main focus there really is the "enhanced training grounds time" and how effective it is with memory berries, even without playing your character you'll still gain a decent amount of exp.

I could go into detail about optimal use of the VIP card, but this post is about the event.

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