
Hedgehog Hammer

One thing I've been hearing a lot is how disappointed people are that there's no classic version of Amy in Sonic Generations. Could there have been? Sure. Is it a huge detriment that there isn't?...Well no. Not really. I'm gonna go off for a bit here.

Now, the game uses classic versions of Sonic and Tails as separate characters. In Sonic's case, it the entire point of the game. Tails arguably didn't need a classic version, but they decided the fans would prefer classic Sonic to be completely devoid of a voice, and thus classic Tails exists solely to speak on classic Sonic's behalf. That, and tell people what to do. And fanservice.

Tails is a bit of a special case, as he offers a bit more variety in terms of gameplay. They seem to have omitted the entire arc of Tails' character arc in Sonic Adventure where he mans up and actually starts to stand on his own instead of being reliant on Sonic all the time. Classic Tails acts like he's always been that way, and they kind of missed an opportunity for classic Tails to be inspired by how confident his future self is. They basically have classic Sonic do it instead. Apparently he thinks his future self is pretty damn cool.

But we're here to talk about Amy. A classic "original Sonic recolor" version of Amy might've been nice. But really, in the long run what would be the point? Classic Amy is a Sonic-obsessed girl that chases after him and swings a giant pervert-repelling hammer. Modern Amy is...a Sonic-obsessed girl that chases after him and swings a giant pervert-repelling hammer. Classic Amy was basically a minor character that mostly only showed up in spin-off games. It really wasn't until Sonic Adventure when she became a more substantial recurring character. What would classic Amy offer the game's playability? What about cutscenes? Does the cast really need to be bigger than it already is?...Do you really want more than one of...THAT running around trying to glomp Sonic? What would be the point?

I'm sure there's probably artwork of her you could unlock somewhere in the game. You'd actually have to, you know, PLAY IT, though. Or you could just Google it.


  1. Right. I didn't even know Amy was a Sonic character until Adventure 1, and considering the theme of Generations it would be giving her character more spotlight.

    Haven't played Generations, but I'd see more reason to put classic Knuckles or something in it. Preferably with his hat.

  2. I've played Sonic Generations, and I admit I was a bit disapointed in the fact the Classic Amy (Sonic CD) wasn't seen as a whole animated character,and the fact that classic and modern Tails and Knuckles aren't playable like they used to be in the old games. Would've been fun to see. Heck. Even having Cream playable would've been cool. It's still a cool game though. I loved looking at the concept artwork for the game. You wouldn't believe how many you need to unlock.

    I'm also having some trouble getting all the red star medals. Sure you spot them, yet they can be hard to reach while playing each Act in the levels as both classic and modern Sonic.All in all Sonic Generations is a top notch Sega title. Though there are some kinks that could be worked out. (Please read above in this comment.)

  3. Last decent sonic game was Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

    I beat sonic gen in a night, and then right after that, went and played s3&k from beginning to end to make sure it wasn't nostalgia talkin, and sonic gen doesn't compare, it's disappointing.

    Still, an ok game for an afternoon.

    They really did get the jumping wrong.

  4. Sonic Gen was a step in the right direction for Sega unlike that horrible Sonic 4, but even when they get something correct, Sega is still messing it up. In the end what a sonic game should really be about is blazing through a level for the sheer fun of it, and not to unlock achievements and extra crap that adds nothing to the game. You should be able to pick up a sonic game and not even need to go through a damn tutorial.

    I agree with tof, the jumping is completely wrong. Even if you have never played a classic sonic, common sense physics should tell you it's weird.
