
Nice Graphics, horrible gameplay and neat service

I don't know why, but about a week ago I started playing Odin Sphere. Muramasa was a cool game so i figured I'd look at other stuff VanillaWare made in the past.

Huge mistake.

Visually, it's along the same lines as Muramasa, however, the gameplay is, fucking, horrible. I don't wanna get into it because I know I'll start ranting way too much, just take my word for it, it's terrible.

I am still playing it because I'm too invested in it to quit now, and the story does interest me, but each fight, even against normal enemies, is fucking torture.

This game has been taking huge chunks of my time that i should had spent writing or doing shit to post on here.

However I'd like to take the opportunity to mention Oovoo.

See, I've been playing Odin Sphere on the emulator PCSX2, and when I Skype with people, they sometimes wanna see, problem is, Skype limits this to 1 on 1 calls.

So me, Zach and our friend Shigoto tried Oovoo and I made a videochat room in it.

I gotta say, it was pleasantly surprised. For starters, We've been having problems in voice calls with 3+ people in them on Skype, Someone can't hear another person or breaks up, but only happens to 1 person and kind of randomly.

In a video call, we've had actually better sound quality and no problems on Oovoo, also, the video seemed to work rather well. I was streaming Odin Sphere from my desktop using ManyCam, and Shigoto was streaming Skyward Sword using his webcam (webcam LP, lol) and it all ran decently.

Oovoo's site says free accounts can have video conference calls up to 6 people, and premium accounts up to 12. Personally, 6 is way more than enough.

If you guys like Streaming yourselves playing games or doodling for your friends, consider Oovoo, I sure fucking loved it.

1 comment:

  1. VanillaWare usually is about style over subtsance. Muramasa's story is pretty interesting and its visuals and character designs are jaw-droppingly beautiful, but the gameplay is painfully repetitive and the game's tasks are pretty boring.
