
Sonic generations: First impressions

Kinda short... Will just say this:

  • First 3 levels (Sonic 1,2,3) were great. Then with very few exceptions, less and less fun.
  • Ending of Sonic Adventure 2 stage, was great with classic Sonic and was AWESOME with modern Sonic.
  • Seriously not enough levels from 2D Sonic games. No trace of a Sonic CD level. (Metal Sonic rival fight doesn't count)
  • Disappointing Boss fights, disappointing rival fights.
  • As far as i know, no retro Amy Rose, would had been a nice touch.
  • Reference to obscure sonic games ("SegaSonic the Hedgehog"and "Sonic the Fighters")

There might be a lot of stuff I've yet to unlock, but yea, that's my first impression. Wouldn't recomend it for the price they ask for on steam, maybe if it was 50% that.

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