
"Fighterpedia" by TheSw1tcher

Fighterpedia is a relatively new series of videos from TheSw1tcher, who also makes the great series "Two Best Friends Play" which I praised in a post ages ago.

Can't really explain Fighterpedia, I'm not even sure if it has a format at all really.

It's really random stuff about fighting games. One video was about the Street Fighter concept art, another was about comparing South Town to Metrocity in terms of worse place to live in, and this one, well, it's about grapplers.

Annoyingly, most of his videos are on the Machinima Channel, but he announces everything on his channel.

As someone who loves to play older fighting games and has played tons of them, this stuff is fun for me to watch. I bet Jimmy would get a kick out of this as well.

Loved that Yamazaki was in it, although I'm not even sure he's a grappler. I'm a lil disappointed Tizoc wasn't in this video, or Shermie. Female grapplers don't seem too common outside of SNK.

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