
Forsaken World: A personal victory

Ok, I probably should explain this a lil.

As i mentioned ages back, perfect world (who hosts forsaken world) has a store where you can trade in achievement tokens for items.

There's achievements for every class in the game, so multiple characters on the same account actually greatly helps towards that. Even though I've played the game the longest, Bitten has 3 fairly high characters on his account, as opposed to me having only 2.

Bitten noted to me a while back that he was close to being able to buy the cat pet (which is the best thing you can buy in the shop). Deep down I was a lil annoyed by it. I mean, I know I'd get to that pet eventually, but i wanted to be first since I started playing months before him.

Last time I checked the shop, I was like, 40 tokens away. When I checked it a bit ago I yelled out "Whoa Nelly!" and decided to rub it in on Bitten's face!

Haven't had things go my way for a long time lately, so I'm blowing this way out of proportion, but fuck you guys, I'm gonna enjoy what little I get.

I'm only doing this cause I know Bitten's a good sport anyway. He's a great person and an awesome friend so I know he'll prolly laugh at this.

On a related note, FW announced a Xmas event. But I'm tired so I'll post the details for it tomorrow.

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