
Killing Floor Xmas event 2011 + New weapons

So, new Killing Floor Xmas event, dunno much about it, I think it's the same as last year's with a different map.

That is not the important thing here! the important detail is, glorious new weapons! fuck yea!

So i popped in the game, and most of these are great!

  • The medic class gets what feels like a better bullpup that can still shoot healing darts
  • Demo class gets an assault rifle, alt fire shots a powerful grenade, slow as hell reload though.
  • Sharpshooters get magnums, can be dual wielded, powerful shots, but SUPER SLOW RELOAD.
  • Firebugs get a husk gun! and you can charge the shot for an explosive shot, awesome!
  • Berserker gets a claymore, slower than the katana, but seems to do mad damage.
  • Commando gets another assault rifle that can double as a sniping weapon, really good.
  • Support get a really nice shogun that felt like it had awesome penetration.

If you used to like playing Killing Floor, You should pop on and try these. The new weapons are all top tier or just bellow it.

Gotta say, just played a game to try these new weaps, but there's this weird feeling of immersion on killing floor I don't get from anything else, I kinda like that. The game really needed more game modes or something, cause it is quite good, there's a certain feeling of intensity when you play and people really seem to stick together and help each other.

It's not an awesome game, but, there's something about it I like, can't really explain.

Edit: Oh, just saw this:

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