
"BioWare Presents: The State of the Game Industry"

Must be hard to get into anything that just feels this god damned fragmented and promotional?

This video leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Gaming used to be simpler in my day, you'd buy and game and get all of it. Now, jeez...

Lil note to the few that do check the blog.

I'm really not well right now, my doc told me I had early stages of anemia last year, and considering I've been dizzy for the past 4 days, I may have gotten way worse. I've been trying to write a few articles over the past week, but i can't finish any of them. The dizziness is messing up my ability to focus and read, and making me dyslexic as hell.

Gonna try to get a doc appointment soon, but until I get any better, posts from me won't be more than a vid with a comment for a while.

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