
Missing the point of the new Megaman


Some comments from Nerfnow's own site:

And honestly, no one I know thought that megaman was lame. In fact almost everyone said that megaman was fucking awesome. Even the few megaman fans I know love that megaman.

>This isn't about being bitter at all.
>The creator wanted to put that megaman in megaman universe.
>And everyone was excited when they saw it in that, right?
>Yeah, they thought it was neat, they thought it was funny.

I used to be a fan of Nerfnow when he did TF2 comics. But this comic, along with the "Mist of Pandaria" one, he's revealing that he does zero research on things. He's making fun of things that aren't the way he thinks they are, so make no sense to anyone else.

The comment he put on that comic is even more facepalm worthy and just shows how he just doesn't get it. Also, there's like 5 versions of megaman, how would it make sense getting offended or disappointed for 1 more?

To be fair, a LOT of people aren't "getting it", but if the creator liked it, and you can always think of it as another alternate megaman, I really don't see the problem at all.

>I think it's not that they didn't care. I think it's more that it's tongue-in-cheek.
>The entire game is tongue-in-cheek!
>Yeah, exactly.

I'm not a popular person, and I don't think that many people care for what I say, but I still do some research.

I guess the real joke is the irony that most people didn't get that it's meant to be a joke.

For those who haven't seen it yet:


  1. Oh I'm sorry I thought this game was suppose to be Street Fighter X Tekken. My mistake it's Capcom X Namco. How could I have made such a stupid mistake?

  2. Capcom x Namco x Sony, actually.

    And to be fair, at least Pac-Man is riding around in a Mokojin themed mecha, so he's at least trying to fit in.
