
Professor Jimmy : Penis Obsession

We've all been busy, but at least I will try to post stuff here. Originally I wanted to post stuff that happens at my work, but I've made that private for the time being. Perhaps in the future when I'm not being hovered over, I will post them on this blog. In the mean time welcome to...

This is a new segment which I will try to do call Professor Jimmy, life lesson 101. Most of this will come from questions my students ask me and responses which are hilarious enough for me to share with you. I might also answer questions our viewers want to ask no matter how strange it might be. Anyway, enough of that, time to move on to our first question.

Q: Professor Jimmy, why do the boys love to draw large penis that appears to be shooting cum on the white board?

A: Did you know that 99% of the time when a penis is drawn by a boy, it's an erect penis? It's true. Doogie Howser can verify this, he's a doctor.

 "Penises are drawn erect 99% of the time. Trust me. I'm a doctor.." - Doogie Howser M.D.

So why are the boys drawing so many penis? That can be explained in two ways. The first one is Sigmund Freuds' theory where he says everyone is essentially attracted to the same gender, but we have learned to bury those urges deep inside, well most of us. So in essence, those dreams about the young mailman whipping you on a unicorn and you are eating a cabbage while a squirrel is pouring you a cup of coffee is completely normal...well according to Freud it is. However, the real answer is far simpler. Boys are stupid. We find shit like that funny. We don't think of the stuff other people think about us ahead of time. As a teacher though I find this very funny because it makes them very easy targets, erm easy to make fun of, uh they set themselves up so many times.

 There are only three places where this picture would be normal or even appropriate.
1) Freud's theory 2) Japan 3)The internet

This leads us to our next part of the answer. What do you mean you didn't ask another question? Of course you did! What do you do to stop the boy from drawing penises (at least in public)?

The most interesting thing to say to a boy who is drawing a penis is to express how often and how large they are drawing it. I often state something like "Gee xxxxx student, you seem to really love drawing penises. Lots and lots of penises, but hey I'm not judging, it is something I've noticed." That usually stops them, and the other students usually laugh at them. Nobody wants to be made fun of. But if a teacher is making fun of you, chances are you deserve it. I'm helping you learn about life. You act stupid, you're going to be treated stupidly.

This is Professor Jimmy. See you next time.

lol penises.


  1. Educational and entertaining! This has great potential.

  2. Just keep in mind that these questions that I post are 100% real questions my students ask me...which only adds to the hilarity and slight disappointment in the state of my future when I'm a grumpy old man screaming at these young whipper snappers to get off my lawn. I mean, here's to the bright young minds of the next generation!

  3. We can't enlighten everyone of the next generation.

    So we have to settle for amusing ourselves with their jovial naïveté.

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