
That sums up one of my problems with Sonic Generations

When I played Sonic Generations I was streaming it, and I think almost everyone noticed this at some point.

It's lil details like this that make the game feel a lil off as you play it, and as a result, the game isn't as good as the genesis ones.


  1. My personal problem with the game is that people seem to forget one little fact: The only decent Sonic game we've had since Adventure 2 is the remastered version of various levels and concepts from 90's and early 2000's Sonic game. The only way Sonic Team can't fuck up is by remaking their previous games, and even then their's only a slight chance that it will work (Sonic 4 sucks).
    Guess they figured if Nintendo could get away with it, why couldn't they?

  2. I'm not sure what sorts of level concepts you could try in a Sonic or Mario game that hasn't already been done, or would be different enough from that stuff to make it actually feel different. The real problem with that is that if things are too different, it alienates players and the game won't sell. So they play it safe and make it mostly same-y, and players complain it's more of the same(which isn't really bad in some cases), and the game won't sell.
    I think one of the problems with the latter type of people is that, if you ask them what they'd do to make the game stand out, they have the most painfully stupid ideas most of the time. But this is the sort of industry where giving Mario continuous access to a hovering mechanic(which he's had before) and not having Goombas makes a game as bad as Sonic '06...
    I dunno why the physics are different in Generations, or why Sonic doesn't build and maintain momentum while rolling down hills, letting you take your fingers off the buttons to show off(and people complain about automatic parts of levels...). Different people are working on the games now. Maybe they thought it was a good idea. It doesn't make Generations a bad game. Just different. There's a bunch of things in that game that shows they put a lot of love into it, and it's a hell of a lot better than what Nintendo did for Mario's anniversary.
