
My operation and Saints Row: The Third

Ok so, the new date for my operation is the 27th if I'm well enough that day, and signs points towards yes. Flu's pretty much gone and coughing has nearly stopped.

So if everything goes as planned, the Oekaki will be offline on the 27th til I return home.

So while getting over the flu, and waiting for the 27th, I decided to pick up Saints Row: The Third. Didn't play any of the previous games, only things I played like this were GTA3 and GTA Vice City.

I do like the character customization and really all the customization in general in the game (weapons, vehicles, gang). It's fun to customize stuff even if it's not gameplay. Also I think this is the only game I played where you can completely rebuild your character, including the gender, anytime in the game. Also thought it was cool that the fact you can change your entire look is a plot point in the game, I thought it was neat they acknowledged it.

The missions were Ok, by the end where you take down a giant flying military base is pretty over the top and kinda awesome for it. But if you go for 100% completion like I did, it's so fucking mundane.

With that said, doing just the story missions is the best way to play these games, I did enjoy it and kept me amused for a day (2nd day was me just getting 100%). I do like how at several points in the game you're offered choices, and the rewards are CLEAR and told to you right there. Although, most of the time the choices weren't hard at all.

Love the visuals in the game, the city at night is pretty awesome looking, the enemy gangs have being really bright colors, worked well and made it easy to identify enemies. The cribs were pretty cool looking too. Just nice stuff all over.

Driving wasn't very good, I didn't crash much surprisingly, but driving didn't feel good. Perhaps it was the default controls I never bothered to change. Piloting anything that flies was for the most part way worse than driving, the inertia is really annoying to deal with. Maybe it's realistic, but come on, with everything else in this game, you're gonna go with realistic vehicle controls?

Ok, don't want to make this post too long. Bottom line is, I did like the game. Story, events and characters were fun. It kept me interested into what was going on. The biggest down side for me is that it's terribly short in my opinion.

Even though I liked it, I don't think it's worth the price they ask for it on Steam. I mean, it's a day of fun sure, but it's just a day. I'd recommend getting it if it was 50% off though.

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