
(Wish me luck) Fuck Portugal's hospitals

I'm off to the hospital for the operation. Seriously hope it goes well cause I'm nervous as fuck.

Oekaki will come back when I do.

Just got back from the hospital, They tell us it's not today.

The doctor personally called us to tell us it was on the 27th over a week ago.

We called on Friday to ask at what time it was, they told us they didn't know and not to bother calling during the weekend cause no one was there.

Didn't sleep much because of all the stress.

We call today at 7:55AM, they dunno at what time it was but tell us to come in.

Drive 30+ mins, talk to the nurse, in 30 secs she tells us "no, it's not today, it's tomorrow at 11:00AM"

Drive back 40+ mins.

Why couldn't they had let me know DAYS AGO when we fucking called? JESUS!


  1. If that's not the type of frustration that leads to stomach ulcers!

  2. Fun fact, I'm highly susceptible to getting an ulcer, the fact that I don't have one is a miracle according to my doctor.
