
Forsaken World: A nice tip for the newest expansion

So the new expansion of Forsaken world is now live, the new flying mounts are available to all, and everyone's having fun riding flying barrels with balloons and a propeller, and descovering the new features.

Part of what makes me like Forsaken World so much, despite it's art style, is how when they update, it's always to bring players more helpful features and systems that give us more options and even free things.

[Rant] Unlike Spiral Knights where it feels like the developers just want to remove anything that's remotely convenient to the players, make the game harder and lessfun, and basically make the game less viable as a MMO. AND is the only MMO I've ever heard of that has an expansion you have to buy, splitting the community even more. Also, fixing lag management? That's for fucking hipsters. [/Rant]

Ok, rants aside, I just found out something really neat about FW Nightfall, and if you play, you'll definitely wanna know about this:

Right after the update, I noticed there was a Tab missing in the Shylia Market. After scratching my monkey brain for a little bit, I realized it was the tab that gave us the free lvl 10 mount, the free memory lotuses and the free weekly Lionheart scrolls.

There IS a new tab, but it's not in there. Looked all over, couldn't find it. But, I know that the people who make FW aren't the kind to remove positive features from the game (unlike the assholes who run Spiral Knights), never really even doubted it. So the question was: Where did it go?

Looked around in the forum, and the answer leads to FANTASTIC REWARDS, but first things first: the tab can't be accessed directly, so there's some workaround to be done. Here's the steps:

Press H, in the screen that shows up, scroll all the way up and click "Lvl 10 mount".

This will open a book, click receive your mount. It won't actually claim the mount, but take you to the tab where you can do it.

There we go, we're at the tab we wanted, but wait, there's a lot of sub-tabs there... and if you start looking, the stuff in them is fantastic.

As of FW Nightfall, there's free stuff you can claim every 10 levels, and the rewards are truly WAY over the top.

  • 10 soul gold
  • mount (duration 5 days)
  • 1 bag extension

lvl 20
  • 50 soul gold
  • 2 bag extensions
  • 5 scrolls of sages
  • 200 basic health potions
  • 200 basic mana potions
  • 6 ruby shards

lvl 30
  • 100 soul gold
  • 10 scrolls of sapphire
  • 1 star fragments
  • 32 sapphire shards

lvl 40
  • 150 soul gold
  • 5 scrolls of prophets
  • 2 star fragments
  • 20 turquoise shards
  • 2 fusion agents lvl 1
  • 1 pet's trial scroll
  • 1 pet's fissure scroll

lvl 50
  • 200 soul gold
  • 10 scrolls of sapphire
  • 3 star fragments
  • 20 amethyst shards
  • 2 pet's trial scroll
  • 2 pet's fissure scroll
  • 4 fusion agents lvl 1

lvl 60
  • 200 soul gold
  • 5 star fragments
  • 20 topaz shards
  • 5 star crystals
  • 1 supplies pack (lvl 60) *

lvl 70
  • 200 soul gold
  • 1 supplies pack (lvl 70) *

* Not entire sure, but the level 60 one contains at least 3 Solarflares II, blue chest, legs and waist lvl 60 armor, possibly more things. Haven't opened the lvl 70 one yet but I assume it's similar.

The soul gold alone is crazy.To put it into perspective, with all my characters, I've never had one have more than 50 soul gold at level 40. The star fragments they give you actually might enable you to get very highly upgraded equipment without ever using their boutique (and thus real money). The bag extensions are fantastic and give all of our characters a drastic increase in storage space.

Of course, none of these rewards are tradable. (duh)

Like i said, this tab does not have a more direct way to be accessed, and these fantastic rewards will go unnoticed for most. I'm sure it will be patched in a week or two so it's easier to access.

Can't wait til Bitten gets on so i can tell him about this, he's gonna cream his pants.

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