
An interesting video about memes, online communities, and humor

It's kinda long, but I do find this interesting and I agree with most of it. A specific part of this video really got to me though, it's at 7:21.

Don't mind the first minute with the idiot talking, it's an example of a point the author of this video wanted to make.

Also, warning, at the end he screams pretty loud, watch out for the last 5 or so secs.

I know I can't be the only one that's sick and tired of memes like "took an arrow to the knee". Remember "The cake is a lie"? that got old way too fast too.

It's also lame when at that part I mentioned at 7:21, someone makes something creative and original, and some random loser poorly edits it and re-posts it as his own in an online community. It's a horrible feeling for the original artist to have your work used like that and to go uncredited.

I'm not a great artist but even I had stuff I worked on get stolen and/or credited to someone else.

I got nothing against Reddit in particular though, I never even visit the site. I just hate people who use other people's work and don't credit them for it and people who repeat memes over and over again.

Memes are like jokes, it's only funny once.

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