
"XCOM: Enemy Unknown first look"

It's been shitty lately, my recovery isn't being normal in the sense that I'm told I'm having way more pain that it would be normal to. So even though I'm on painkillers, I still feel a rather big amount of pain throughout the day.

So I'm feelin crappy cause i got nothing to look forward too and things right now suck, and then I see this and it made me smile:

I fucking love XCOM! Although I mostly played Terror from the deep, I always thought it was awesome how much strategy was involved with those series.

If you've never played it, XCOM was a management and turn based strategy game where micromanagement was pretty much necessary.

Off battle, you run the XCOM organization, you setup the bases, you hire personnel, handpick soldiers, assign individual soldier and craft loadout, you can buy and sell military resources, assign what to research and how many scientists should research it, what to manufacture and how many engineers work on it, deal with the international funding, etc. You DECIDE EVERYTHING.

And that's just off battle, it was this insanely hard to run organization that required tons to money to run effectively.

In battle was similar in the sense of the time units, and how even facing a different direction meant spending time. You manage fights down to the milliseconds.

The problem with the game at the time was that, there was SO MUCH you could do that 1 scouting mission would last ridiculously long, like, a couple of hours. It required the player to do so much for everything and was kinda hard to get into I guess.

I'm gonna be so depressed if this doesn't come out for PC.

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