
I'm so goddamn immature

I want to be ashamed, but me and Zach got good laughs out of it so far.

We tried to think of funnier things, but it's a 5 letter limit.

So yea, but whatever reason, I'm in love with the Gameboy sprite style lately, and it's causing me to look up and play old GB and GBC games. Most suck, truth be said, but some are surprisingly well made.

It's funny to me the GB version of TMNT looks and plays WAY better than the NES one. I used to replay TMNT on my GB all the time as a kid, certainly was more entertaining than the NES one where no one got past the dam level. That's not entirely true though... I was the only one of my friends that could get past it, but that meant they'd make me do it all the time to play the next level, UGH!

It's not how many colors you have, it's how you use them.

I also owned Super Mario Land 2, which I genuinely enjoy. Nice music at parts, really cute sprites and the secrets were a neat touch. Gameplay required some getting used to, but was actually decent.

I cannot convey how much I love these ants.

I had a Super GB, but it wouldn't run color games so I never played Zelda Oracle of Ages/Seasons before. Those Zelda games are surprisingly neat looking, I do like the sprite work in them a lot and am surprised how well it looks considering the 4 color limit thing.

I you know the context of the convo, this is oddly fitting.

Oh, another game that I tried, and is surprisingly enjoyable is Pokemon puzzle challenge, Now that's a really fun. I did rage tons at some points, but didn't gave up and got to beat Lance, It's addicting. I find it funny that the best animation in the game is the player character running from gym to gym. It's shockingly good considering nothing else in the game is close to it.

I love simple to learn puzzle games that get really hard.

I really regret skipping on the GBC as a kid.

Feel free to recommend GB/GBC games to try out.


  1. Well, you already know Shantae's infamously awesome look over most the early GBA library, and the game is super duper fun. I can also throw out there that the Game boy color Bionic commando has a pretty awesome cult following who love the dickens out of it. Any of the Wario Land titles are pretty awesome, but particularly the first one for the black n' white GB. speaking of the Black n' White GB, Gargoyle's Quest got it's franchise started on the black n' lime screen. Lastly, it's kinda surprising that you didn't mention possibly the best game for the GB that isn't a Pokemon game, especially given your owning a Super Game Boy status, but... Y NO DK94?!? *ahems* I love that game to no end. <3 oh, I guess also Mega Man V for game boy gets a mention too, becaus even though I kinda don't like how cramped the Mega Man GB games feel, Mega Man V. is at least worth a look at because it introduces a ton of new ideas to the series, a couple of which would stick like the bolt shop and a charged buster shot that involves firing your arm and having it boomerang back to Mega Man. Anyhow, I'll shut up now before more games end up just poofing into my mind.

    1. Gotta admit when I read the name on the post, I thought it was a spam bot at first.

      I did try Shantae in the past, and it does look amazing, but i remember getting stuck not knowing where to go and that's always something that can kill my run on a game. Might give it another go though.

      I played most wario land games before except the first one, which I was indeed considering because the sprites for it do look interesting.

      DK94 is legitimately good? I had no idea. I'll try it along with the other ones you mentioned.

      Thx for the suggestions.

  2. yaaay for my name coming out as a random garble of garble in that last comment!

    This is Clex Yoshi, bee tee dubs.
