
A random gaming recommendation: Kingdom Rush

I was doing research for something else when I found this game: Kingdom Rush

It's basically a tower defense with really nice graphics, but, it does have a small twist.

You can build 4 types of towers, but 1 of them spawns soldiers. The soldiers do attack enemies, but their main function is mainly to stall enemies. Strategically, you can use them to create choke points to allow the other towers to attack longer and/or create optimal situations for the area of effect towers.

Also, the locations you can build in are predetermined and very limited.

Took me a couple of days, but I did beat the last stage. It's really challenging around the halfway point, or maybe I was just picking the wrong tech upgrades.

Give it a go, I personally thought it was enjoyable.

Personally, I made an account on Armor Games to have my progress saved, and also because I have played a couple of games from them that were really well done.

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