
Tof recomends: "Soul Reaver" LP by LeadingManAE

I really like the Legacy of Kain series, specifically the Soul Reaver games. The story is very complex and deals with paradoxes rather well. I find that the world and plot of the games are fascinating.

It's an odd series, as it all starts with Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen, which tells the tale of Kain as he was murdered, resurrected as a vampire and manipulated into basically ruining the world.

From there, there's 2 branches: the Soul Reaver saga, and Blood Omen 2. Each follows the different protagonist, Raziel and Kain respectively. Both branches merge back into Legacy of Kain: Defiance. Sadly, the series was meant to have a last game to wrap everything up, but was canceled.

LeadingManAE has actually LP'd ALL Legacy of Kain games, which is an impressive feat. His LPs are very competent, good commentary, informative and knows what he's doing in the games. I believe he completes Soul Reaver 100%, which if you played the game, you know that's really hard without a walkthrough.

Whenever Possible, he plays the game he LPs on a console, Which is odd to me, but the footage comes out great so no complaints there. Occasionally, in the post commentary he'll have guests commentators which is great, I easily prefer 2 or more commentators in LPs.

Playlist for Soul Reaver LP

As I mentioned, He LP'd all of Legacy of Kain, but I don't recommend watching Blood Omen 1 and 2. the first is incredibly hard and annoying to watch, and 2nd is just not a good game. It's way better to read the plot of those games and what happens on a wiki or fansite.

Soul Reaver is quite dark at parts, but still a good game, Soul Reaver 2 is a much linear game and the Graphics are far more acceptable for today's standards, If you make it through the first game, definitely watch his LP of Soul Reaver 2, and the current last game in the series Legacy of Kain: Defiance.

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