

A playful trickster female gargoyle monster, though their standards of playful may tend to differ from yours. As they are gargoyles, they can assume a stone form to recover, rest, or hide, though any sort of damage incurred in this state will become permanent. In their organic form, they're able to move very freely, much to the chagrin of adventurers or knights with flimsy armor that happen to come across one that's openly hostile for it's own amusement.

Instead of belching bursts of flame like higher level, true demonic-type gargoyles, GarGal's can rapidly salivate spring water, which they employ in a number of amusing ways, in both of their forms. It's difficult to weaponize, so it's mostly employed in a manner meant to frustrate and annoy.

GarGals are classified as monsters, but they're among the more civilized types, able to speak and reason, or even go so far as to integrate into society. Most just choose not to do so. They're skewed to the friendly, if mischievous end of the spectrum, and like fellow female stone monster Morabus, aren't truly malicious. Usually.

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