
My stance on "Bronies"

First, here's a somewhat relevant video about the subject from foreverpandering:

Now, here's my thoughts on the subject.

I for one am glad there's such a label as Bronies. Why? because there's finally something out there with a worse reputation and way more annoying than Furries. It's very ironic when you think about it.

The irony about Bronies, is that whatever they like it or not, they're actually "furrier" than Furries. Simply because the ponies ARE anthro characters:

"Anthropomorphism is any attribution of human characteristics (or characteristics assumed to belong only to humans) to other animals."

Even though physically they only look like ponies, they can talk, read, have personalities, etc.

You could had watched the above video and replaced every instance of the word Pony with Furry, and it wouldn't had changed it's meaning in the least, except for one part: In general Furries don't rub on other people's faces the fact that they're Furries.

The average Furry is between 2 and 3, Bronies are easily a 5

Memes, which are by definition one of the lowest forms of humor, have been pointlessly mass converted into ponies, making them even less amusing. It's like telling the same joke again, but with the word "pony" instead of "man".

The fact that they spam their versions of existing memes increases the "shoving it in" feel that a lot of people get from Bronies. Not to mention how lame and unoriginal remaking memes is.

Yes, it's harmless, but seeing it everywhere all the time is rather irritating.

Bronies are no different from other Furries. There's sick fucks in the Furry community and there's perfectly decent people in it. But the same could be said about people who like soccer, or cheeseburgers.

What people like has never been an indicator of the kind of person they are.

However, Bronies detached themselves from the Furry stereotype somehow, even though in essence they're Furry++. And seem to strive to prove there's nothing wrong with them, and in cases, they seek to "convert" others into the fandom, like it's some fucking cult.

That's why I dislike them: Bronies are just regular Furries that want special treatment and think they're entitled to it.

I think that's the only explanation that documentary got so much funding. They desperately want to show people that they're all normal decent people who just happen to like a cartoon. about horses. for lil girls. and get an erection while watching it.

The fact that they try so hard is what makes it so weird though.

Ever heard "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."? It feels like it applies here.

Society loves labels.

I make a distinction between fans of the show, and Bronies. The fans just like the show and don't feel the need to annoy others with it. Bronies keep waving their flags on other people's faces.

Much like for Furries though, both will be labeled the same regardless

With that said, if I meet a brony, I'll judge him as an individual like I do with everyone else (except Brazilians, god damn).


  1. Okay, to be fair.

    The MLP fandom spread like wildfire over the states and internet, that is for certain. Any non MLP fan who has either remembered the G3 version or just felt the show itself was too 'girly' quickly made anti comments about them. They say that it's a 'girl's show' and that grown men shouldn't be watching it.

    Fun fact: The furries themselves are sick of the MLP fandom. There was actually large disputes of MLP furries going against the non MLP furries. It's hilarious, really lol

    I guess their want of trying to 'prove' themselves stems from this huge backlash. I guess they want to see as fandom equals and are doing it in the worst way possible. I dunno.

    I was actually talking to zach about this thing that happen at Bronycon 6 months ago (Yes, I guess you can say I'm a Brony, but at the same time I don't feel like a 'real brony' due to the fact that I don't have a Pony OC character or is heavily involved with the community. I just like the show......this is actually a very similar mindset of why I feel I'm not a furry XD).

    Hopefully you don't look at me funny, Tof and friends XD

    1. Then you're just a fan, and I'm perfectly ok with that.

      Like foreverpandering says in the video, there's nothing wrong with liking the show. What's wrong is the way Bronies behave which is dumb because it contradicts the message of love and understand the show is supposed to have.

      I was on facepunch doing research for my TF2 medal and all non-bronies have a deep hatred of bronies because they keep spamming pics of pony memes at ever damn opportunity.

      Similarly, I was just reading an interesting topic on the minecraft forums, and the bronies there aren't... good people... (though apparently, some suggested a mechanic to hug creepers instead of fighting them... I... dunno.)

      I guess I am a furry, but I'm not involved with any community and despise fur affinity, so I'm not sure if I really count as one. I do have anthro characters though and non anthro ones, but I still don't feel like I'm a furry, so I know what you mean.

  2. In my opinion, bronies aren't special at all. My Little Pony seems very similar in tone and humour to shows like Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls, or Atomic Betty. There's nothing wrong at all with watching that kind of content, but now you add the fact that the show's main characters are little pastel-colored female ponies, going on magical and fantastical adventures.
    It's mainly a matter of packaging; No one would have any problem with grown men watching the show if it was about robots, or furries, or even schoolgirls, but since MLP is about those particular characters, and that it has this reputation of being a girly show, saying you like watching it is bound to attract negative attention.

    1. I really dunno if it's the fact it's a "girly show", or if it's about how much the Bronies are obsessed about it.

      Or maybe how defensive they get about it.

      Or could be all of those reasons.

  3. I think the problem lies in the public reaction to bronies. Like furries, bronies have received terrible media coverage. Unlike furries, bronies are much more organised and widespread- the stigma that is attatched to furries with regard to sexual deviancy is not attatched to bronies to such an extent, and as such the fanbase attracts many more members.

    This huge number of devoted fans gives some legitimacy to attempts to hit back at negative media attention, add that to that the fact that the fandom is still trying to find its place and you've got a mixing pot that's boiled over into the mainstream with projects like BronyCon: The Documentary.

    I honestly think that if furries didn't have the stigma of 'sick deviants'- don't even argue that it doesn't exist- they would be just as widespread and vehement about their own cause. Bronies see their fandom going the same way as the furries (hence the denial of similarity) and are simply reacting.

    That's just my opinion though, I'm not anti-furry (I was an active member of furry sites until recently), and I am a brony, I'm just calling it as I see it.

    1. The term Furries got attached to stigmas that aren't directly linked to being Furry.

      There's really sick deviants that are into (for example) gore that just happen to be furry. Gore has nothing to do with being a Furry, but ignorant people may attach that stigma with furry.

      The same happens with Bronies, I know for a fact a lot of them are into the exact same fetishes.

      The fact that Bronies are more organized isn't going to help anything. They can't control every single brony or decide who's a brony or not. There are sexual deviants among Bronies and there's nothing they can do about that. The fact that they try to deny they're like Furries, which in no way are different, is just not gonna work, nor does it even make any sense.

      The idea of the documentary seems to imply that "No, we don't have deviants, we're not like them furries".

      I don't think it'll work for many reasons, but I'll only list 2:

      - For starters all Bronies are technically Furries.
      - Even if you deny that fact, there are tons of Furries who are Bronies, including the "sexual deviant ones", so right there, it's a lost cause.

      Speaking of "cause", there's no causes here, Being furry is simply being into anthro art, just like being into basketball or table tennis. It's simply something that people can be into, not something that defines them. Same applies to Bonies.

      But honestly, Bronies seem to want the term to identify who they are way too willingly, which seems like a terrible idea and doesn't help the stereotype.

      I think Bronies are taking a wrong approach at this. They shouldn't defend themselves as a fandom. Not everyone in any fandom is the same so you can't convince anyone there's all good.

    2. Oh and thx for taking the time to post and share your point of view.

  4. I think it's not 'bout justification, it's just interesting story for journalist to work. I myself, find it's amazing how wide spread pony-disease is. I've got infected myself.

  5. Also, furries are just disgusting :D
