
Paying money for polygons, sure, but for a stat?

I rarely play TF2 nowadays, it's more like, I have phases where I play it a lot for a few days, and then forget about it for weeks.

By doing that, I detach myself from the community and "value" of the items that are introduced in the game, and when I'm confronted with those items I have a more objective view of them.

I was looking up price for some random items on TF2, and I've found some really outrageous trades. However before that here's some facts:

  • 1 key can be bought from valve for 2.50 dollars.
  • 1 key is generally traded for 2.50 refined metal.
  • Thus, 1 refined metal is worth 1 dollar.

So here's what I found out earlier:

This hat is called the Holiday Headcase, looking at it, it looks rather crappy. It's indeed an all class hat, but still, doesn't look good on anyone.

It's being traded for 90+ keys. Yes, more than 90. That's 225+ dollars for a mediocre hat. I'm sure there's a rarity factor in there, but, for a cosmetic item, shouldn't looks actually factor in a little bit?

Here's a Strange Scattergun, this is a gun that does absolutely nothing ingame that the default scattergun didn't already do.

The only thing difference is that it keeps track of kills, which doesn't matter because anyone could farm kills so whatever value is on it will never be impressive.

So how much do you guys think such a useless item is worth? surely it's less than a dollar, right? No, it's traded between 6.3 and 7.5 dollars.

The lesson here? I don't really know, maybe that all player driven economies are doomed to become very unbalanced and randomly priced for no valid reasons.

Although the cosmetic item seems way overpriced for what it is, I somehow feels that the Strange Scattergun is the biggest waste of money, because the entire point of it is keeping track of a stat. I can't imagine a person sad enough to brag about how many people their Scattergun killed, it'd be too pathetic.

Maybe it's just me.


  1. It's not just you: I've never understood the pursuance of pure-aesthetics at overblown values.

    1. It really doesn't seem to have any logic though:

      Bill's hat was a promotional item from L4D2, it's worth like 10 keys (25 dollars)

      But the earbuds only required someone to log on you account with a mac (i asked a friend to do that for me), and they're worth twice as much.

      The sam & max game that gave you max's head + 2 weaps for TF2 cost way less than L4D2, but all the swag from it is worth way more than a Bill's hat and possibly even earbuds.

      No logic.
