
She Blazin'

Blaze is an odd character, in that people seem to like her in general, despite the fact she was a character introduced after the Genesis era. Nobody really seems to mind her much, and I can't really say why. Maybe it's because she's a purple cat that doesn't sound like she has a mental deficiency. Maybe it's because she's pretty much Shadow minus the angst and ego. Maybe it's because she has character arcs.

It's hard to say what exactly Blaze is. In Sonic Rush, she basically equated to a parallel version of Sonic, since the game used an alternate dimension as it's theme. Aside from Blaze stealing Espio's pre-ninja style, she handles pretty much the same way. They're not complete opposites, though; Blaze is still the heroic side of her world's dynamic. The real difference, aside from being a different species and gender, is in their personalities. Where Sonic is cheerful, out-going, and fun, Blaze is, despite what her name would imply, cold, stoic, and introverted. She manages to bond with Cream and her family, and gradually opens up as a result.

Sonic '06, like just about everything else, manages to screw that up. Now Blaze is from a dystopian future and she hangs around with her only friend Silver. Now, this game, and you should know this already, is a trainwreck. But, despite that, I honestly did enjoy playing as Blaze. Maybe it's because she wasn't quite as clunky as everything else. It's one level. One. And then the game has her kill herself in order to save her future and garner sympathy points for starfish-head. It's a meaningless sacrifice, though, since the monster manages to become whole anyway despite her sealing it away in herself. About the one good thing this game's ending is erasing that whole pointless death out of existence, along with...the rest of the game itself. You have my sympathies if you actually suffered through the whole thing like I did.

I wanna make a joke about Blaze being a hot pussy, but I'm too embarrassed...

1 comment:

  1. I haven't played or kept up with Sonic since "Adventure 2". Blaze sounds like a pretty cool character in "Rush".
