
TF2's "M.V.M"

This is rather interesting.

Even if you don't like TF2, hear me out.

This video explains how Valve seemingly has been planning a huge update to TF2 since 2 years ago, it's a subtle story they've been carefully and discreetly hinting at.

The way Valve hides hints and builds up tiny clues like this is always stunning.

Earlier, this comic was posted on the TF2 blog. It basically explains how there's a 3rd mann brother.

The 3rd brother, who seems far superior to his siblings, disposes of both of them. This is interesting because it means that BLU and RED may cease to exist.

This would be an amazingly bold move seeing as the entire game's premise has been based on this.

However, it's really impossible to know what Valve has in mind with this, obviously they can take this any way they want.

They could make it so that the game is simply humans vs robots, and nothing would really change. However, the first thing I thought, is that there's a remote possibility what they go with is 3 teams gameplay.

I've talked before about how my fav online game was a 4 team based strategy game, I have no idea how it would work in a FPS, but i really hope this will bring 3 team gameplay to TF2.

I'm nearly certain it won't, but a guy can dream.

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