
Meh, might as well keep at it

Against my better judgment, I'll keep posting on the blog. Probably not as often though.

We'll see how it goes.

Edit: I have a question though, on the post I made where I said I was considering quitting, it got a few "do not want" ratings on it, I don't get that.

Did you guys mean you didn't like the post, didn't like me, or didn't want me to quit?

It confused me.


  1. I think it meant they didn't like the idea of it being closed. At least, that is how I'm looking at it (especially in the opposite scenario of people picking 'Win.'

    I would personally hate to see it close as Zach does enlighten me/others on the drawings he do (as oppose to both DA and FA).

    I also get a bit interested in some of your posts.

    1. even if i stopped posting, the blog would stay open though.

    2. Like I said, I think there's a few people who do value what you post, and would hate to see you quit posting it.
