
A very entertaining read

I saw these tumblr blogs mentioned on tweeter a couple of days ago:

Suffice to say, I've been both laughing hard and been horrified at some of those posts.


The amount of racism on there is just shameful, the irony on those posts is delicious, and some people on there really can't seem to deal with not getting their way.

But really, those are just details, what struck me as stunning is how 99% of the people in those posts do not seem to even have a vague concept of what a decent healthcare system is. I suspect it could be media manipulation, but come on...

Most of the people who drop by to read this blog are Americans. So, as someone who has lived in countries with such systems my entire life, here's my understanding of it:

In a very brief description, it's a small tax out of everyone's income in exchange for all citizens being able to enjoy medical benefits at greatly reduced cost.

As an example, In France around 5 years ago, my mom had 3 hernias removed from her lower abdomen, and all we paid was 8 euros.

A lot of people seem to think that it's going to give "lazy people" food, money and whatever else without them having to work. I'm not sure how they'd assume that.

The thing is that if u don't contribute, you don't get these benefits, and you have to be a citizen or at least legally working in the country.

Maybe it's because of where I grew up, but I always thought all countries had a healthcare system similar to Portugal or France.

If you just check this page on Wikipedia, You can sort get the idea. Even though the USA thinks it's "the shit" as a developed country, it actually has pretty bad when it comes to health.

Seriously, if people can't see the value in increased life expectancy and reduced infant mortality, there's something wrong with them.

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