
Dropbox: The quest for more space

As I've mentioned, Bitten's doin "military service" in Thailand. So I've been trying to think of something nice to do for him since he should be back within a week or so.

Me Zach and Bitten all use Dropbox (Dunno about Jimmy, never asked), and in fact, we have a shared folder between all 3 of us with stuff we wanna show each other or blog related junk.

It is possible for free users to expand their Dropbox, but the most common way to do it is to refer people to Dropbox. the problem is, everyone and their mom uses Dropbox already, and if you try to make another account on the same computer, it won't work.

Dropbox by default gives everyone 2 gigs to store stuff online. Seems like a lot, but it does fill up quick. In particular for Bitten.

He uses his Dropbox a lot for commissions. I think he's sharing a folder with some other group for a comic project, which is like over 500mbs or something, and between that and his public folder which he uses to host commissions and/or wips, and the shared folder he has with me and Zach, his box actually hit the limit a while back.

I've deleted everything I could from our shared folder, compressed some files, but yea. Bitten in particular needs more space.

I happen to look on the Dropbox site earlier, and saw this thing i never noticed before:


"Getting Started"? 250mb space for that? Well, every bit helps...


So there's this freebie you can do for extra space, but the catch is, you need multiple devices to pull if off. I was actually missing step 1 prior to writing this, which is just a fancy "read me".

I don't think this will help Bitten though, I don't think he has a mobile device for this.

So I look around more, and there ARE more offers you can do for space:


I think Bitten will be able to do at least a couple of these.

If you're a dropbox user, I hope you find this info useful.

If you're not a Dropbox user yet, and If you wanna help Bitten, reply to this post saying you wanna help him, and when Bitten's back, I'll get him to post his referal link so you can help him get 500mb storage space.

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