
Christmas Goils

Hey, Merry Christmas everyone. Or whatever you celebrate. Have a good one, whatever it may be.

Yes, that's a pretty roundabout way of saying Happy Holidays, I suppose.

TF2's Xmas crap and the adult swim cosmetic items

Adult swim sets

I have to admit, I got a kick out of the Brock Samson hair.

adult swim

However, after the initial reaction, I started thinking about it and imagined how it'd look in a full game with 32 people. While it's more and more true that TF2's "vibe" has long been destroyed, and the game feels like a circus, this really feels like it's taking it way further.

"Smissmas!" update

Oh those fucking crates and Xmas items...

Skipping all the stupid cosmetic shit, here's what's announced:

  • New MVM map announced
  • New robot class: the engi bot
  • New comic (link)
  • 3 new weapons (that actually aren't dumb re-skins for once, i hope)

new weaps

Update page here.

That's about it.

Had originally planned to post stuff I colored, but I got bummed out (December isn't a happy month for me) and sucked into Forsaken World again. I had 7 pics planned with Zach, but I've only finished 3, and been stuck on the 4th for a while.

In case you haven't heard, the humble bundle 7 is up

Most would argue this is worth it for binding of Isaac alone, and they're probably right. I personally never had interest in playing that game because of how it looks, I just can't get past it.

humble bundle 7

Here's something I don't get though, I've heard the game is supposed to be hard. Yet, every time I see Zach playing it, he makes it all the way to the end. Actually, I've never even seen Zach die in binding of Isaac.

Might just be that Zach is just oddly good at the game though. I dunno...


C'mon, dog! You gotta pound it, cause when we're together, we're BAMFs!

Going Bananas

Oh, Bridget. You really should stop doing stuff like that. People could get the wrong idea. Hell, maybe somebody'd get hurt...emotionally!

"Duke Nukem 3D" and "Metro 2033" for free

Man, it's a wonderful age we live in.

Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition

(Edit: Promo for this one ended, I only saw it on the very last moment it seems)

Being given away on, To get it, you just need a GOG account, then go to the following link:

And add it to your cart as you were purchasing a game, and checkout. It won't ask you to pay anything and I'll be added to you GOG account.

Like so:


Metro 2033

THQ is giving this one away on facebook.

It's even easier to get. Go to:

It'll send you to their Facebook page, all you got to do is like the page, and they'll give you a code.


Now, the page has instructions on how to get the game, but I skipped all of them, and started Steam immediately.

Go to the "games" menu and then "activate a product on steam...", paste the code there, and you're done.


Enjoy guys.


Been a while since I posted a monster doodle. This is a tanuki youkai, like the latter of the title characters in Pocky & Rocky. Only it's a girl, cause I thought it'd be more fun. It didn't have to be. You know. Illusions and all. But I don't need another troll running around.

Forsaken World: Werewolves race

This is something we've known about for months on FW, the next update is going to introduce a new playable race, the Lycan. aka the werewolves.

Didn't expect this update so soon though, goes live tomorrow (December 12).

Now, similar to how WoW handled the Draenei, the Lycan were "sexy'd up". However, most are expecting this update to kinda suck, here's why:

This new race can only use 2 classes, and each is gender specific. If you're a male werewolf, you HAVE to be an assassin, and if you're a female, you HAVE to be a priestess. The complete lack of a new class to play is a disappointment, seeing as a lot of people have already played those classes to death.

Still, the wolf gals can look very cute...

As a pervert, I feel obligated to start a wolf priestess tomorrow.

I decided to give YouTube feedback on it's wonderful layout


Meanwhile, I made a script in greasemonkey to at least center the page. It's slightly better that way.

Love beween gumps is an awkward thing

I don't particularly like game grumps, but i think it's cool Jon tweeted the URL to the audio of this and Arin re-tweeted it.


I'm sorta regretting shading this one. This is a good example of time not being very kind to me. When I first sketched it, I really liked it, but the passage of time has easily eroded that feeling away, and I can only see it being...not that great.

I think I'm some sort of artistic magician. The nuances of my drawings pull the wool over everyone's eyes as they get distracted by whimsy or whatever, but the more you look at it, the more obvious the flaws become. But it happens REALLY fast. Like, it might only take a few minutes to see the crap under all the glitter.

Oh well. It's Chandelure. The body is sort of cheating. Or at least, it feels that way to me.


This was practice coloring Zach's sketches straight off without doin line work. It was interesting, both easier and harder than I thought it would be.

I think Zach may have doodled her because, when I played through Fire Red recently, I started saying that Nidorinas were oddly adorable.

Doodles like this is why I wish I had a good idea for a game, so I could include characters like her in it.


Now, imagine caves full of these things.

Despite being an admittedly pretty lousy Pokemon, due mostly to the fact it doesn't learn any decent moves until just before it evolves, I've always sorta liked Zubat.

Salty tears were shed

Posting this here for 4 reasons:

  • This game looks awesome and fun.
  • I'm a fan of Pat from 2 best friends play.
  • This was some royal ass kicking.
  • The last victory was even sweeter than the other ones.

I think Pat never won a "brawl" before. It's nice his first victory was a total cleanup.