
DotA 2 thoughts and opinion

Yesterday I was gifted DotA 2, which confuses me because steam always said I already owned the game.

I dunno who the guy who gifted it to me is, so i dunno if it's someone I used to talk to. If we used to chat and if you're reading this, dude, I'm sorry I don't remember who you are.

Anyway, this gift made me think about a few things, the main thing was how much i dislike DotA, but also about how I used to spent tons of time in Warcraft 3 playing all the different maps.

My problem with DotA back then was how elitist the players were, and often really racist (not towards me, but it's still awkward). I just didn't want to associate with people like that.

Ok here's the thing, you control 1 guy. It couldn't be simpler especially compared to other Warcraft 3 maps. Where the "depth" came from, was from ambushing, getting last hits on shit and shopping. I always thought the shopping part was really, really annoying to get into, as in I just refuse to bother learning the best order to buy items. and the strategy is a fucking joke.

Another thing that bothered me was that bored DotA players would drop by Footmen Frenzy games and try to play it using only their heroes. And because they're used to a poor ass simple game, they just always lose. I mean, any average WC3 players would do way better than they would.

Here's why, in Footman Frenzy under your control you get heroes, towers, an army, a base and special units. To beat a player you have to destroy his base, and even if you're losing overall, you can win if you're smart. As I'm told, most DotA matches are decided in the first few kills.

I'm not saying simple games are bad, I'm just saying in DotA, it's fucking boring..

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