
Magic 2013: The Broken Edition

I LOVE Magic the gathering, and had always been a fan of it. So when they started making PC versions of the game I was ecstatic because I could now play my favorite card game without having to spend so much money on "booster cards" or whatever else they decide to call it. This was pretty much Downloadable Content before it was popularized on the current gaming consoles

All card games are unbalanced in someway. While it may not be what the original creator had intended on doing people exploit or randomly find out problems in the games that just overturns the table... currently I am playing Magic 2013 when I have a few minutes of relax time, but I've already managed to find some exploits.

As you can see above. By playing the right cards you can increase your creature cards to an insane amount in one turn. This is most doable on the green decks since they have lots of creatures that have abilities to summon more creatures. There are some elements that are insanely unbalanced like the */* creatures. I mean look at that screenshot up close, one of those creates is a 52/52 power. Not only that those slime on the top right corner gets x/x boost for each land I have when they attack. That's just insane.

If you look at this one, you would think you are seeing the same thing. Except originally I was on the verge of losing. I had two creatures summoned, while my opponent had several creatures over me with flying (meaning my ground based ones could not block them it if they chose to attack. In addition the opponent just casted Rite of Replication and copied five of my Chancellor of the Spires. I was screwed. Then one card was drawn by me that changed the game around.

The clone card was the one luck/strategy I needed. I chose my Chancellor of the Spires.

The important thing about the CotS is the bottom portion. This broken trick can only be done by decks that have replication/cloning instant and sorcery.

Luckily for me, my opponent had just used this, and it pissed me off. While there is a kicker (pay mana for extra benefits) it is not necessary because of the infinite loop trick. Instead just choose the CotS and then select the Rite of Replication again. Repeat as desired.

While broken it is still pretty darn fun. There are plenty of whacked stuff in this game and I'll post them if I remember.

1 comment:

  1. I have a really old version of magic around, and although I never broke it to that extent, there's 1 thing I used to do that was very cheap:

    Spirit link is an enchantment you can place on any creature that when the creature attacks, it allows you to gain the damage it inflicted as health.

    Now that sounds OK on your own creatures, but on the enemy's creatures, that completely nullifies their attack.

    It gets better when you stack them, so with 2 on the same creature, when it does 3dmg, u gain 6 life.

    The thing at the time was that, the CPU could kill you easily if he just stopped attacking with that specific creature, but the AI was dirt poor, so it never stopped using it, and you'd never lose.

    I've had the game crash once because I had 6 spirit links stacked on a 12/12 or something, and at one point, I just had too much life.
