
It's over

There's no reason for this blog to exist, there never was, so it's over.

Most likely, if you dropped by here, you probably were looking for Zach's art, so just look for his tumblr.

That's all.


  1. Well shit I just subscribed to this RSS feed

    1. Dunno what to tell ya.

      Ran the blog since 2008 with close to no feedback.

      The rest of the group either didn't care or couldn't post on here.

      Most people don't know how to follow anything that isn't on tumblr.

      I spent a long ass time setting up a really simple post rating system so people could give simplistic output, and they still wouldn't do so.

      Just didn't work, and from my point of view, the other are better off bloggin by themselves. If anything, I think this blog was holding Zach back.

    2. Don't know what to tell you either.
      If it's dead, then it is dead.
      Subscribing to feeds are way better than the follow button :c

  2. Shame - I rather enjoyed this site. Art by great folks (one of which is a friend of mine) and fun blog posts. If I'd known my lack of commenting or rating would've led to its demise I would've been more active. But, you have legitimate reasons to close shop, really hope you find something else that works for you. Thanks for providing all the fun content - I'll miss it.

    1. Tumblr seems to work out way better for Zach.
      Bitten does his own thing so no change there.
      Jimmy's recovering from getting hit by a car so bloggin is the last of his concerns.
      I really would have liked to have a blog people would read, but almost no one did so I'm better of.

      I'm fairly sure it feels the same to have a blog that no one reads and to have one that millions read and no one provides any feedback.

      I dunno about the others, but I just kinda plan to "disappear". I'm done trying to create content to post online.

  3. /i have been silently reading this blog for a long time now an I am really said to hear/read this news. he only reason I say nothing is because I don't feel I can offer much to crit or reply.

  4. Ohhhhh... thats kinda... bad... I ususally read the post whenever I had a long days work to relax. Oh well...

  5. I'm sorry to hear that. I just discovered this and wish i found it sooner. Well if you do disappear, I hope you have a good life mate.

  6. Over a year has past and I still find myself casually clicking toward this site on occasions where my brain goes into auto drive. I really did enjoy the news and opinions you put out, I guess I just should've been more vocal about. I understand your reasons for stopping, a combination low readership and a decline in group activeness. My hope is that eventually you might choose to return to this hallowed, albeit thankless, position of "blogger". Perhaps you might consider continuing the blog while mirroring some of the posts on tumblr, similar to what Back of the Cereal box has done with El Comfortador , but of course, that seems unlikely. I miss your activity and I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one happy to see you return.

    1. Thank you Rey Flower for visiting our short lived blog. Truth be told it was pretty fun while it lasted. I myself am living paycheck to paycheck to pay off my student loan so work is a priority for me. ToF has a bit more time, but I know he has some health things he's dealing with. If I do managed to get a full time position, it would allow me more time to at least run my part of this blog, but the economy is pretty rough over here on the West Coast of the U.S.

    2. I read you post a few days ago Rey, and I've been thinking about it quite of a bit.

      By the last year the blog was active, I really wasn't enjoying posting in it at all anymore. It WAS something to do though.

      I've thought about tumblr, but god damn, much like facebook 95% of it's users don't use the service as it was intended to be used. There's entire blogs that are basically entirely composed of re-blogs of other people's contents.

      The idea of spending a few hours on a post so someone can just re-blog it and get thousands of extra views is honestly upsetting. I know there's an option to disable re-blogging, but I don't think anyone would be able to make a blog popular that way.

      I also don't think I'd produce content that would be interesting at all. I don't really do anything artsy anymore, and making posts where I just rant about things makes me feel like an asshole. I'm also self aware that I'm often full of shit in what I say.

      I still don't know what people might have found interesting in what I posted, because i never got any feedback out of any of it. Don't think it'd change on tumblr.

      Zach's a better blogger than I am, because I work entirely on Feedback, (which is part of why i don't do artsy stuff, VN was my main source of critique and feedback), Zach doesn't care, he just posts what he feels like and that's it. It's honestly better attitude torwards blogging than i could ever develop.
